Hide Report Types to Simplify Report Building

Report Types are to key to building reports that access the data you want. However, selecting Report Types can be difficult for beginning and even intermediate report builders. Salesforce delivers Report Types for all of the standard Salesforce objects and combinations of those objects (ex. Contacts with Applications, Contacts and Accounts). However, there are several objects standard with Salesforce that may not be used within your Org. This often includes Opportunities, Products, and other parts of the Sales cloud that are geared toward traditional “sales”.

Users having to sift through these Report Types that they will NEVER use just adds another layer. As standard Report Types these cannot be deleted from your Org. However, there is a solution to remove the unnecessary Report Types.

Follow along in our video using the instructions below:

  1. Click the Reports Tab

  2. Click the “New Report (Salesforce Classic)

  3. Check the “Select Report Types to Hide” checkbox

  4. Search and find the Report Types you would like to hide.

  5. Select the green check. This will turn it into a yellow X. Report Types with the yellow X will be hidden from view for ALL Users.

  6. When completed uncheck the “Select Report Types to hide checkbox

Keep in mind that these changes impact ALL Users regardless of Profile or Permissions including System Administrators.

To add Report Types back in, follow the same steps. Click the yellow X to switch it back to a green check.


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