Using Dynamic Related Lists with TargetX

Salesforce is releasing Dynamic Related Lists in the Summer ‘22 Salesforce Release. Dynamic Related Lists will improve your Page Layouts to separate like-items together allowing for easier to understand information. The best part is Dynamic Page Layouts are a simple tool to improve user engagement!

Dynamic Related Lists can be used within the TargetX tool for Event Information, Advising Records, Application Records, or any other Related List that holds multiple types of information. Below are some examples:

  1. TargetX Events - Display separate Lists for Events the student Attended versus Future Events the student is registered for.

  2. TargetX Events & Appointments - Display separate Lists for TargetX Events and TargetX Appointments. These normally display together with within the Related List but separating these can simplify your page layout.

  3. TargetX Advising Records - Advising records include 4 different record types - Kudos, Holds, Alerts, Meeting Notes, & Referrals. A single advising session with a student could create a Kudos, Meeting Notes, and Referral records. This will make a single related list very overwhelming to review. Instead separate these our using Dynamic Related Lists.

  4. Application Records - If students are applying to multiple programs at a time or have multiple application records within your business process, use Dynamic Related Lists to separate these

The possibilities go on and on. If you want to simplify the layout event further, utilize a formula field that combines multiple data points together (Such as Event Name and Event Date) into a single field so it displays on 1 line as we’ve shown here. You can find more information on creating those Formula Fields in this Post.

Watch our video below to walk through the steps of making this small change for a huge impact in your Org.


If this simply Dynamic Related List isn’t enough for you can follow our process to Create Filtered Related Lists using Lookup Fields.


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