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Viewing Appointments and Events in TargetX from the Student Contact Record
TargetX Events Nicole Shannon TargetX Events Nicole Shannon

Viewing Appointments and Events in TargetX from the Student Contact Record

This is Part 3 of our Viewing Events on the Student Contact Record. TargetX offers 2 tools for students to register to attend different types of meetings/events on your campus - TargetX Events and Appointment Scheduler.

Both TargetX Events and Appointment Scheduler utilize the data architecture - Contact Schedule Items and Organization Events. This can create a very busy Related List that contains multiple types of events. Instead of searching through long lists, these can be separated to improve the user experience in finding the necessary information about the student. Today we will walk through how to separate these different types of interactions into separate Related Lists on the Student Contact Record.

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Using Formula Fields for viewing TargetX Event History on the Student Contact Record
TargetX Events Nicole Shannon TargetX Events Nicole Shannon

Using Formula Fields for viewing TargetX Event History on the Student Contact Record

Using Formula Fields for viewing TargetX Event History on the Student Contact Record

Part 2 of our series to create a better internal user experience when viewing TargetX Events on the Student Contact Record. In this video we walk through how to use a Formula Field.

Today’s video is going to utilize a formula field on the Contact Schedule Item object to display all the key fields that your users need to see event information for a student.

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Creating better internal user experience when viewing TargetX Events on the Student Contact Record - Part 1
TargetX Events Nicole Shannon TargetX Events Nicole Shannon

Creating better internal user experience when viewing TargetX Events on the Student Contact Record - Part 1

Part 1 of our series to improve viewing TargetX Events form the Student Contact record. Your team of counselors, recruiters, advising, and all staff utilizing your TargetX Salesforce CRM should be able to simply and easily view TargetX Events from the Student Contact record. This series will walk you through tips to customize the Page Layouts, utilizing Formulas, and filter Related Lists to create a great experience for your internal users.

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