Using Formula Fields for viewing TargetX Event History on the Student Contact Record


Part 2 of our series to create a better internal user experience when viewing TargetX Events on the Student Contact Record. In this video we walk through how to use a Formula Field.


Today’s video is going to utilize a formula field on the Contact Schedule Item object to display all the key fields that your users need to see event information for a student.

Using a formula field here achieves 3 main goals:

  1. Prevents any unintended clicking into the Organization Event (or Contact Schedule Item) record

  2. You don’t have to worry about that pesky 4 field limit for what displays in Lightning on the Related List. You can see as many event details as you decide to add to your formula.

  3. GREATLY improved experience for users. They don’t have to look at multiple checkboxes or oddly placed fields. Event information is almost in a SENTENCE format that this easy to read.

If you’d like to receive a copy of the formula field we use to get started quickly, input your info below and we will email you the formula to start using right away.

In Part 3 of our series, we will discuss how you can create a filtered related list to further improve the user experience, especially if you are using Events and Appointments!


Viewing Appointments and Events in TargetX from the Student Contact Record


Creating better internal user experience when viewing TargetX Events on the Student Contact Record - Part 1