Viewing Appointments and Events in TargetX from the Student Contact Record

This is Part 3 of our Viewing Events on the Student Contact Record. TargetX offers 2 tools for students to register to attend different types of meetings/events on your campus - TargetX Events and Appointment Scheduler.

Both TargetX Events and Appointment Scheduler utilize the data architecture - Contact Schedule Items and Organization Events. This can create a very busy Related List that contains multiple types of events. Instead of searching through long lists, these can be separated to improve the user experience in finding the necessary information about the student. Today we will walk through how to separate these different types of interactions into separate Related Lists on the Student Contact Record.

This process for creating filtered Related Lists can be utilized for our example of Appointments vs Standard Events. You could also apply this to display different lists for Attended vs Registered Vs Canceled Events or any other object that displays as a Related List.

The goal here is to display information in a simplified UI to improve user experience so they are not hunting down information. If you haven’t already check out our previous 2 posts to review Formula Fields and Page Layouts for Events on the Student Contact Record

This process for creating a filtered Related List includes 3 steps:

1 - Create a Lookup field on the Child Object. This is the object that is the Related List. This Lookup Field is going to look back up to the Parent Object.


In our example with Appointments, we created a Lookup Field on the Contact Schedule Item object that is Related to the Contact (Student) Object.

2 - Create Automation that inputs data into the field you created. This automation could be a Flow or a Process Builder. In our example, we created a Process Builder that runs when the Organization Event - Event Name contains Appointment. However, this is triggered, remember that only the records that meet this criteria will be updated to appear in your new Related List.

The Process Builder then updates the newly created field from Step 1 with the Contact ID.

3 - Add the new Related List to the appropriate Page Layouts.

Things to keep in mind:

  • This means that you may have multiple lookups to the Contact record from the Contact Schedule Item. The Related List will only display those that are affiliated with that particular Lookup

  • You are limited to the number of Lookup Records on an object (25)

  • Your System Admins may still wish to have the full Related List in their Page Layouts.


Hide Report Types to Simplify Report Building


Using Formula Fields for viewing TargetX Event History on the Student Contact Record